Friday, October 24, 2008

tanx my SA!!!!

Wah... Ari ni ar yg agk best la jgk. Br blk mkn piza kt alamanda td. Kak hanim belanja. Alhamdulillah.. ni la yg dinamakn rezeki.. By the way, main point jamuan ni dibuat sebnrnyer sbb nk menutup game SA aka Sercret Admire ktrg. So, kemuncak nyer for sure la wktu pemberian hadiah. Sume muke excited sbb nk dpt present. Ari ni sume ad kecuali Intan sbb de balek umah, ad open house kot. Atik yg dh lme xdtg pn ade gk. Tp, syg la, xckop org... Anyway, berbalek kpd crite bg hadiah td. ktrg mulekn dgn A'a, sbb de plg lmbt bli hadiah, so de kne bg dlu.
  1. A'a bg cwn comel yg dlmnyer ad coklat kat Azi
  2. Azi bg jam tgn kat aku. Huh.. sonok gle!! Xsangke beb...
  3. Aku bg kat Khalil cincin ad ukir nme de kat dlmnyer.. Xtau r de prasan ke x..
  4. Khalil bg phone strip n getah rmbut kat kak Hanim.. Phone strip tu ad huruf HS..
  5. Kak Hanim bg Nira bear kecil yg sgt comel.. kawaiiii ne!!
  6. Nira lak bg gelang tgn kat Intan.. sayang, Intan xde, Atik jd wakil..
  7. Intan lak patutnyer bg kat Alin, tp postpone dlu la..
  8. Lastly, Alin bg t-shirt kat Cik A'a kte.. de ikat t-shirt 2 cm sjil je.. hihi..

Lepas sume dh bg hadiah, ktrg brgmbar kejap, pastu balek.. Azi, Alin n Khalil je stay sbb dorg nk tgk wayang. Haaaiii.... kenyang jugk mkn piza ni kn... Hope len kali ad wat cmni lg. Sonok sgt ar ni..

Thursday, October 23, 2008

something 'bout guys...

Semalam, aku bukak fs setelah sekian lame x bukak. Lepas abes balas komen2 org sume, aku pon bace la buletin yang sorang member aku tulih ni. de x tulih tajuk, cume ckp dak pompuan patut bace bende ni.. So, aku dengan penoh enthusiasm di hati pon bukak la buletin tu. Kat sini aku tunjukkan la ape yang member aku tu post:

  1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.
  2. Guys hate flirts.
  3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards.
  4. When a guy says he doesn't understand you, it simply means you're not thinking the way he is.
  5. "Are you doing something?" or "Have you eaten already?" are the first usual questions a guys asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.
  6. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
  7. When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.
  8. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.
  9. Guys will do anything just to get the girl's attention.
  10. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.
  11. When guys want to meet your parents. Let them.
  12. Guys want to tell you many things but they can't. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!
  13. Guys do cry!!!
  14. Don't provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.
  15. Guys can never dream and hope too much.
  16. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.
  17. When you touch a guy's heart, there's no turning back.
  18. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!.. uh... never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.
  19. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.
  20. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.
So, kepada kawan2ku, ap komen korg? Pada aku, ade yg bole caye, ade yg pompuan pon wat jugk and some of it make me think 'ooo.. yeke..'. Hmmm..

Thursday, September 11, 2008

berita yang mengejutkn!!!

ari ni, tanggal 11 september 2008, aku dpt satu berita yang agak mengejutkn.. mne x nyer, lepas abes je solat terawih, aku call mak aku, tetibe de cakap kitorang nk pindah.. aku pon ape lg, menjerit la... tetibe je dpt berita y mcm tu, spe x terkejut.. dh la pulak tu, kne lak pndah kat pantai timur!! bayangkn la.. dh 18 tahun aku menapak kat selangor ni, tetiba kene pndah kat satu negeri yg agak jauh dari asal aku.. nk balek kampung nnt msti ssh.. nk-nk aku skrg kat uniten ni ha.. jauh tu nk balek umah.. huaaaa!!!! ayah lak kne pegi dlu, keje kat sne.. nnt ssh dh nk jumpe de.. cuti raye ni last aku kat cheras.. kene la nikmati tempat ni sebelum aku pndah lpas adek aku amek spm.. haaaiiii.... pe leh wat..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

about my last handphone..

ni sbnrnyer cite y dh lame.. tetibe aku jumpe balek lak cte ni kat draft aku.. aku pon post la pe lagi.. nguahaha!! the latest news, aku dh bli pon br pon.. No lame tu aku x g amek kat celcom sbb mse cuti ari tu aku keje kat econsave, jadi cashier... huhuhuu... so, bli no br la jwbnyer...

(ditulis pada 3 jun 2008)

Last Sunday, my brother and I told ayah a news about my last missing handphone. On the night before, my brother, Akim wanted me to sleep early. he kept on bugging me around just to tell me to sleep. He's such an annoying brother, isn't he? Well, after twice coming to my room just to tell me that, on the third attempt he tried to call me from his room. Unfortunately, he called my previous number, the one that had been stolen. This was how the conversation went on :

Akim: hello?
Answer: hello..
Akim: g tido r.. dah malam!
Answer: ha?? ok,ok.. kejap..
Akim: g tido cepat!

Then, my brother hung up. He came again to my room to make sure that he called the correct number. According to Akim, the personi was a female. I felt a bit shocked to hear the news. That's why we decided to tell ayah about that. After hearing that, ayah quickly called that number. At first, there was a female voice. Ayah just asked her about who is she, how she get the number, where is the original phone and other questions. I thought that person must be really 'cuak' because ayah asked her with a stern and strict tone. Hihi.. Well, the story just didn't end up like that. I bet she must be afraid of ayah that she just passed the phone to a different person. Right now, the next person was a male. Ayah just asked the same question like before and from the answers that we all heard, he must be really confident with his answer. But, one thing that he didn't know, 'sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga'. He tried to cheat, but ayah caught him easily. How can I say that? It was based from an answer that he gave which really revealed him as a bad liar.

~After a few minutes of conversation..

Ayah: ni dekat mane ni?
Answer: ni sebenarnyer dekat balai polis..
Ayah: balai polis? macam mane nombor ni bole sampai kat balai polis pulak? ni balai polis mane?
Answer: ni dekat balai polis keramat..
Ayah: kau jangan nak tipu aku. dalam sejarah x pernah lagi ade balai polis kat keramat! baik kau bagitau dekat mane sbnrnyer!
Answer: aaa..aaaa....
Ayah: cube ko tengok sikit name sape yang ade dekat hp tu. ni hp anak aku tau. kau tau x kau tgh berckp dengan sape skrg ni. ni inspektor ali tau! jangan main2 dngn aku..
(camtu ler lbih kurg, aku ubah sket2 je, mne igt y exact nyer, tp cmtu la.. :P)

Haa!! Serves him right!! Nk nipu x pandai!! Padan muke ko!! Nguahahaha!!!! That male tried to cover his sin, but no matter how he tried, it's useless. Ayah still with his tone pushed him to the corner where he couldn't do anything more but only to give up. And the good news was, he gave up!! Yeah, ayah rocks!! The stupid(ooppss..) male hung up, when ayah tried to called back, he didn't answer it. Maybe he went to his idiot(ooppss again..) girlfriend to cry his lungs out. Bwahahaha!!! Ayah then just called Celcom centre to block the number. The officer said that I will get a new simcard with the same number on 15 Jun. I am so glad that i will get the number back. The number really meant something to me, eventhough it just a number. However, I still sad about my hp. I don't know what happened to it. I don't know what the moron couple had did to m precious hp. Well, life must go on... Now i have my own hp, which I buy with the money that i get from the scholarship. So, to all my frenz, my last number can still be used, but only after 15 Jun.. hehe..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

badai kesedihan melanda diriku..

Tanggal 10Mei2008, telah berlakulah satu sejarah yang agak hitam jugelah dalam hidup aku ni.. Handphone yang amat kusayangi, yang kutatang bagai minyak yang penuh, akhirnya talah meninggalkan aku, mungkin tuk selama-lamanya.. huhu.. :,( Seseorang telah membawanya pergi jauh dariku, menyebabkan aku rasa bagai nak gila memikirkan siapakah manusia yang sangat kurang ajar itu yang sungguh berani mengambil barang kesayangan aku tanpa meminta izin terlebih dahulu.. Mesti ada daripada korang yang tertanya-tanya kan, atau mungkin juga ada yang telah mengetahui, apakah yang sebenarnye berlaku.. Actually, handphone aku dh kene curi!! Entah manusia mane tah yang sanggup melakukan perkara terkutuk sedemikian rupa. Sume ni jadi mase ak tgh amek exam MUET ari tu la.. Ble agknyer orang tu curi aku pon xtau.. Aku letak elok2 beg ak kat dalam surau kat library tu, tup2 mase nk balek dh hilang.. Kawan aku try call, bole plak die off.. Sah2 ar kne curi, aku xpenah off handphone ak tau.. Hish!! Geram tol ak!! Tapi xpelah, mungkin ade hikmahnyer di sebalik kejadian yang berlaku ni.. Hanya Allah saja yang tau.. Mungkin sekarang ak lom nmpk lagi dan mungkin satu hari nanti, aku akn tau juga ape sebenarnyer hikmahnyer.. Aku tau, ada orang di luar sana yang pernah kene lagi teruk dari aku punyer kan.. So, pe yang ak leh wat sekarang adalah berdoa supaya dibukakan hati pencuri tersebut supaya pulangkan balik handphone aku tu.. Kalau xpon, bukakknlah hati die supaya die xmencuri lagi.. And also, to all my frenz... Nombor lame ak tu dah xleh pakai lah ye.. Aku dah tukar nombor baru.. Nak tau tanya la aku sendiri.. hehehe..